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comfortable bitch?

so.. as my thoughts about humans flutter through my mind at 3:48am in the morning, theres a new episode of The Drew Carey Show that i don't really care for. Being comfortable in my bed with a pillow on my crotch and laptop on my pillow i begin my blog to you.

I had been watching something that sparked some controversial thoughts i have people and what is comfortable to them. But i've forgotten what it actually was. hah

I believe we as humans are so susceptible to being persuaded into one thing rather than another. This ed hardy shirt over a ten dollar pack of fruit of the loom white v-necks. I'm not saying i never buy brand names (guilty) rather than the cheaper salvation army junk. Heck no. I love fashion too. At least what i'm trying to get to is why many of us are floundering around the same fashion, the same designer, the same pair of 7s off the urban outfitters shelves? Why not try some flashy parachute pants? Neon hairspray?

"Well its not 'in' right now...."
Thats what you may be saying. BUT who the hell determines whats "in" or not? Fashion designers? Since when do they get to play the roll of god and decide what you should wear on a day to day basis.. Why do you have to be "in"? Wheres the glory in being "in" and foolishly spending $70 on clothing produced in China for $2 U.S dollars? and i'm going to dig a little further to properly assume that a hungry little 7 year old chinese boy named Bach Choy crafted that fine piece of denim currently hugging your ass. Feeling comfortable?

Is it because we're scared of rejection when we go out of the norm? --hell, i admit,i'm a little afraid--Or maybe it's because we're just so heavily exposed to similar products that we know nothing else. It is my thoughts of nurture that i bring this up. I believe an aspect in creating our NEED for those Ray bans are our peers. I'm not just talking about your friends and family, but even people you see taking a casual walk down Melrose Ave:

"Damn those jeans are bangin'."
"Shit, those green converse makes that foo' look fly!"
"What a slutty dress, maybe i''ll go get one for the next party."


We live with such fear of being rebuked for being slightly out of the norm that it makes us look around to follow the trend. I mean its true, what is the point in going out of your way to try something new when theres something totally accepted by society already made for you?
I'm not just referring to curly hair when straight is in. What i'm saying is Jerry Curls in 2007.

Fuck the hype. Lets go to a swap meet.


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