Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Just do it.
Bubbles begin to drip off my legs my loofah
As I stand there in the rape-style showers of Terry Hall 9th floor in Seattle, I begin to wonder to myself...
"What are the chances of someone seeing my dong, after I open these curtains?"
This question might usually impose as one with a high risk factor
but seeing as how it is 2:30 in the morning.. EH, why not?
I rapidly give the curtains a grandiose push towards the right and bare my nakedness....
Only myself and all of my glory.
And what a reward it was!! I walked around fanning out my balls and all, letting the cool breeze graze my beautiful privates.
Walking around naked is a blast.
That moment in the shower was paranoia, fear, trepidation all in it's finest moment, the moment before unraveling your bare-bottom to the world..
Analogous to this is the paranoia, fear, trepidation one might feel towards one's future.. As a freshman at the big UW, I didn't know what to do with the rest of my life.. It hard to begin to even think what I want to take for the next quarter of the academic year.
AND TO FATHOM that within these couple of years, a future should be molded, a path should be chosen?
Kind of rushed ain't it?
So.. what better to do than to see my counselor.
Walking into the "GATEWAY FOR UNDERGRADUATES," I schedule a walk-in appointment with a on-duty adviser.
As expected, I was greeted by an amiable looking white woman--grandmother status--
Patsy was her name.
What wasn't expected was a check, made out to "reality."
Going in, I was immediately asked "Business huh... why?"
Gave the immediate naive Max-answer... "Because that's where all the money is at..."
Fucking idiot.
The look on Patsy's face told it all.
"Man, what a chump, you're the 1000th idiot that has come in here and said that."
The answer began to ricochet a spurred discussion about how following interest is a smarter decision than following what is practical (practicality to me = what dad tells me to do). Out of all the material that Patsy and I talked about, I essentially have deciphered and will summarize what she was trying to tell me.
College is a large portion of your young adult life, so why are you going to be a dumbass and waste time on a subject matter that you're not even slightly interested in? Follow your dreams and aspirations. Don't be a little bitch.
As I sat in the cushioned gray ikea chair, I realized... "yes...Yes...YES! I will follow my dreams! I will take that risk!"
I mean, risk... Really what is risk?
Risk to me is a chance for TOTAL and ULTIMATE success in life.
Either you take a risk and through determination/ambition, shape it to glory.
you don't
and you live out your mediocre desk-job fast-food eating petty little life..
saying "what if... "
"what if... i had talked to ___"
"what if... i had called in for that job"
"what if... i had majored in ___"
"what if... i hadn't open the shower curtains?"
As I stand there in the rape-style showers of Terry Hall 9th floor in Seattle, I begin to wonder to myself...
"What are the chances of someone seeing my dong, after I open these curtains?"
This question might usually impose as one with a high risk factor
but seeing as how it is 2:30 in the morning.. EH, why not?
I rapidly give the curtains a grandiose push towards the right and bare my nakedness....
Only myself and all of my glory.
And what a reward it was!! I walked around fanning out my balls and all, letting the cool breeze graze my beautiful privates.
Walking around naked is a blast.
That moment in the shower was paranoia, fear, trepidation all in it's finest moment, the moment before unraveling your bare-bottom to the world..
Analogous to this is the paranoia, fear, trepidation one might feel towards one's future.. As a freshman at the big UW, I didn't know what to do with the rest of my life.. It hard to begin to even think what I want to take for the next quarter of the academic year.
AND TO FATHOM that within these couple of years, a future should be molded, a path should be chosen?
Kind of rushed ain't it?
So.. what better to do than to see my counselor.
Walking into the "GATEWAY FOR UNDERGRADUATES," I schedule a walk-in appointment with a on-duty adviser.
As expected, I was greeted by an amiable looking white woman--grandmother status--
Patsy was her name.
What wasn't expected was a check, made out to "reality."
Going in, I was immediately asked "Business huh... why?"
Gave the immediate naive Max-answer... "Because that's where all the money is at..."
Fucking idiot.
The look on Patsy's face told it all.
"Man, what a chump, you're the 1000th idiot that has come in here and said that."
The answer began to ricochet a spurred discussion about how following interest is a smarter decision than following what is practical (practicality to me = what dad tells me to do). Out of all the material that Patsy and I talked about, I essentially have deciphered and will summarize what she was trying to tell me.
College is a large portion of your young adult life, so why are you going to be a dumbass and waste time on a subject matter that you're not even slightly interested in? Follow your dreams and aspirations. Don't be a little bitch.
As I sat in the cushioned gray ikea chair, I realized... "yes...Yes...YES! I will follow my dreams! I will take that risk!"
I mean, risk... Really what is risk?
Risk to me is a chance for TOTAL and ULTIMATE success in life.
Either you take a risk and through determination/ambition, shape it to glory.
you don't
and you live out your mediocre desk-job fast-food eating petty little life..
saying "what if... "
"what if... i had talked to ___"
"what if... i had called in for that job"
"what if... i had majored in ___"
"what if... i hadn't open the shower curtains?"